Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Happy 60th Birthday, Grandpa!

A few weeks ago, Andrew's Grandpa turned 60. Yay, Grandpa! We all went to Arlington to celebrate. First Walt opened presents, and then everyone took turns playing with Andrew.

Aunt Lisa and Uncle Wayne taking turns with Drew.

The celebration continued...at a brewery. Yes, Andrew took his first trip to the brewery. The brewery had no air conditioning, and only one giant fan. The entire time I could hear Reese Witherspoon's voice in the back of my mind saying "You have a baby... at a bar." Wow. It was a neat place, but Andrew and I just didn't last long.
Here's the birthday boy!

Here are Chris and Anne enjoying the time that Andrew slept. (You can see his foot in the stroller in the bottom left corner.)

Here are the Grandmas testing the fine Rhar's brew.

Lisa and Wayne, who cheers to the fact that we're getting Andrew an early start appreciating microbrews.

Here are the pictures that let me know it was time to go...

After these pictures and 45 minutes of SCREAMING on the way home. He got to sniggle up with Mommy, and order was restored. Then, it was time to roll around with Grandpa, which was probably the best part of the day.



breannesp said...

Annie, those boobas are out of control! Way to go... but strap those things down or you're gonna poke somebody's eye out. Srs.

Walt and Sharon said...

Great Pictures
Andrew's grandparents are in Vegas we'll have to bring him out here when he's old enough!
Well were off... got some $$$ in our pockets to "invest" in some Las Vegas property!