Monday, June 29, 2009

Just a mullet away...

We are super classy at the Shacks. In case you doubt our high level of class, check out my sweet baby walking the dog... in only his diaper and fake Target Crocs.

I know there is a picture of my little brother that looks strikingly similar, so hopefully I will get my hands on it soon.
Luckily, Lady came home when I called, so they never got very far. (Not pictured here: Andrew letting Lady poop in the neighbor's yard and leaving it.)
Stay classy~



breannesp said...

Too freakin' cute. You know, I have some dogs that need some walking.

MSCW said...

Bahaaaaa. This is one of the ones that you will have to keep for when he graduates HS and needs one for a slide show.... :)