When Mommy says no, Andrew has found ways to attempt to break me down. Here are some of his "reasoning" tricks:
1. If Andrew wants some of what I'm eating, and I say no, his response is "OK, mommy, then I'll just have a couple."
2. If Andrew wants me to play a game with him, and I say no, his response is "OK, Mommy, you play just one time."
3. If Andrew wants to watch a DVD in the car, I say no and "we only watch them on long trips." Andrew no longer asks to watch a DVD. He now enters the car and tells me, "Mommy, let's take a long trip."
4. If he wants to go inside, and I say no, a moment later he will pretend to "swat at a bug" and say, "Mommy, go inside. Bugs are biting".
5. One time he wanted to run after a ball in the street, so I told him that "we only run and play in green grass". (I meant- stay in the yard.) Now if he asks me to play with him outside, and I say no and sit on the porch/deck, his response is, "Mommy, you have to stay in the green grass."
6. If Andrew wants to take a toy another child is playing with, he simply snags it and tells me reassuringly, "I'm sharing this Mommy."
Well, if you put it that way, Andrew... the answer is still no. Nice try.
Fun Family Day
14 years ago
What a little dude...so funny!
I love this post!!!! You know he learns this from you! LOL
This is so cute and so sweet and so right! I have a three year old Grandson so I know exactly what you mean!
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