Thursday, December 17, 2009

Natural Consequences

In education, I love when children can experience the natural consequence of their actions because I think it is a better deterrent than me nagging. For example, if a student keeps rocking in his chair and falls, his natural consequence is a bump and the embarrassment of falling in front of the class. Ergo, he won't rock in his chair.

Apparently, natural consequences don't mean much to toddlers. Rule: Don't climb on furniture like it's a jungle gym. Andrew hasn't made the connection... although his face has connected with the floor several times. The picture quality isn't great, so you can't see the red and purple shiner (looks like late eighties eye shadow). You can definitely see the swelling.
Poor baby.
PS: Still to come... Izzar moves out, Andrew meets Santa (yikes), and Andrew becomes a problem solver (double yikes).

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