Here are some pictures from our first picnic! It's not super fancy, but the kids loved it. I think we will have many more of these in our future!
As an aside, I have noticed something pretty fantastic about my four year old. He shares so freely! I have never seen anything like it. He let his sister eat all his waffle fries, always shares his candy, and always asks if he should save some for Daddy. What a big, loving heart for such a tiny tot!
Even more than sharing, though, he risks his life for Caroline daily... Ok, that might be overly dramatic, but he does endure bodily harm quite frequently to keep her safe.
Of the many examples, yesterday's is one of my faves. Chris and I were meeting with a real estate agent in the kitchen, so I asked Andrew to "keep her entertained and don't let her eat any rocks". (Rocks, dirt, rolly-pollies, etc.)
Things went swimmingly until we hear a blood-curteling scream. I ran outside to see Caroline content as a cucumber, and poor Andrew screaming and holding his finger.
Being the caring mom that I am, I immediately asked Andrew in a scolding tone "what did you do?" (Mom of the year 2012...blames hurt child for being hurt. It's usually his fault anyway, right?)
Antway, he fights through the tears and sobs, "she was trying to eat a rock, so I used my finger to scoop it out...and she BIT me!"
How crappy did I feel? Super crappy, so I scooped him up for some mommy TLC and made it all better.
Considering his being raised by a heartless witch, he seems to be turning out quite well.
By the way, we are listing the house, so pray for my patience and sanity as I attempt to keep the house "showing" ready with two toddlers...
Fun Family Day
14 years ago