Everyone keeps asking what they can do to help. Unfortunately when Daddy is sick and Mommy stays away and takes care of him, here is what our kids need:
1. Someone who throws perfect pitches.
2. Someone to have Friday Fluff day.
3. Someone to dance with who spins just right.
4. Someone races me to get the newspaper.
5. Someone who gives peanut butter with reckless abandon.
6. Someone to let my swim I the tub and play till the water runs down.
7. Someone to tackle right before bed.
8. Someone who can "sing all the animsls".
9. Someone to sing Twinkle, Twinkle "super loud like a rock and roll star"with snuggle friends who play air guitar.
10. Someone to give "all the kisses".
With all the amazing people in Andrew and Caroline's lives taking care of all their needs, there are just a few things that the kids still need.
Cakrline shows it... On a quick trip home from the hospital, Caroline runs to me. She hugs me, kisses me, and then signs more... She leads me to the pictures on the fridge signing more, pointing to the picyures, and says "dada, dada".
Andrew shows it...On my first night home after a couple of long nights at the hospital, Andrew comes to my too my room at 3:30am glad that I am the one he finds. I calm him, sing to him, and rock him (although we haven't rocked to bed in ages). I take him to bed, sing my best "rock 'n roll" Elvis the Elephant variation of Twinkle, and then we pray. He fights back tears and says, "when I go visit my daddy tomorrow, I will just bring him home with me".
We are so grateful for all the help, but sometimes we just need mommy and daddy. Thank you God for the blessings in my life.